Of Sea Mists and Memories

Word Count :: 424

OOC: I don't mind at all! Ciara loves Soran. Smile Sorry for the slightly depressing, rambling post. Tongue

That feeling of catharsis had slowly drained away as the tones of her despairing howl were carried away on the wind. Earth-coloured eyes clouded, and mottled ears drew back on the young wolf’s head as she gazed down on the ocean. The wind, once a welcoming scent of sea-breeze, had begun to bite at her defenceless nose and eyes. Tears formed there, both out of natural defence from the biting cold and from sadness. Even while Ciara had a family now, the wolves of New Dawn, she finally had the peace needed in order to break down the walls she’d built up.

She’d traveled on her own for months and months, steeling herself against the elements as well as her fear and lonliness. She’d watched her mother die, watched her father leave after cursing them both, and had seen countless other animals, canine and not, look at her with suspicion and distaste. So the walls had gone up, blocking her history from her mind and the pain from her heart. When she had arrived at the borders, and Zaren had welcomed her into his family so readily, it had begun to chip away. Now, standing in front of the symbol of so many painful memories, the ocean, and surrounded by a pack that loved her, she finally allowed herself to break.

She’d been so consumed in sadness and self-pity, emo wolf that she was, that she hadn’t heard or smelled Soran approaching. She barely even noticed when the other wolf sat next to her. It was only at the Beta’s words that Ciara jumped. Her ears were already flattened, so she lowered herself down in a submissive posture befitting of her rank and of respect for her Beta. With a small whimper of apology for not noticing Soran’s arrival, Ciara tipped her head up and licked a few times at the underside of the Beta’s chin, her tail tucked against her belly.

“It….it is impressive,” she answered, rising from her crouched position to sit next to the Beta, head still low. Ciara’s eyes avoided Soran’s, but not because of subservience as it should have been. She didn’t want this woman whom she liked so much to see how sad she was. Soran was quickly becoming Ciara’s favourite member of the pack, and she could sense the maternal essence around the woman. Still, the yearling didn’t want to seem even weak.

What she didn’t realize was that everything about her posture, and the tone of her voice gave her sadness so blatantly and obviously away.

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