Aimlessly Wandering
[html]Kota eased up and nodded; he was tought to show respect to those above him in rank and as far as he knew there was no one below him, so that meant everyone held higher rank then he. He watched the tree colored male for a moment then smiled fondly at the memory of his first hunting here in these lands. He had hunted a two rabbits; the first was a quick kill for it was not expecting him but the second was harder. Since Kota could not change as easily as he should have been able to; he had goated the rabbit around the area with a mix of chase and thrown stones.

The stones had tricked the paniced rabbit into thinking there were two wolves after it and thus Kota was able to effectivly guide the fear blind prey back into a crossing path. Kota had snatched up the rabbit and shared the choice kill with the second person he had met in Crimson Dreams. His smile turned to one of saddness; his first friend here and she had left for the new pack. he pushed those thoughts from his mind however.

He looked back at Oak just in time to hear his last question and gaze a bit of a ruefull smile "no, no afraid not; it...well i don't just doesn't have the right feel for me..." and it was true. He contemplated digging a den and he had found an old run down windmill that he might could restore....if only he knew how. He chuckled to himself at that thought...maybe the village that he had heard about would have something on the subject of restoring a windmill. This caused him to chuckle again.[/html]

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