Chasing snowflakes
Note: This is all in Honrin's head Wink maybe....

The emotions that swam within his chest, the boy had never felt such a thing so strongly before now as fear and horror ran through him. His daddy dragged in Mahn's non moving body and set her down gently. His white furred form shook with the strength of his fear for the Wolfe-Denahlii boy could see what they could not, see the spirits gathering now around his mother, the shadows ready to tear away her souls and steal off with it into the night, a horrible thing. He was the only child that did not scramble to obey their father's orders and this was only because he could not make himself move, he was tied to the ground it seemed and his small paws refused to listen he could only watch as the black shadows circled around like carrion eaters awaiting a kill to be abandoned.

What provoked him into movement, into action was one particular shadow, it moved so much closer than the rest and long strands of saliva dangled from its cruelly toothed jaw, so close to a life force for them to feed from the shadows were taking on form instead of being bodiless balls of evil. The creature, the thing of bile and pure malevolence breathed in, appeared to be sucking in and a long strand of silver began to rise from his mother, dancing gently as though caught in an invisible wind. The creatures appeared to howl with joy at the sight of this, for they made no sound so he could not be certain. He was suddenly struck with this feeling, they could not catch hold of that strand! If they did then his mother would be lost to them all.

The boy ran forwards towards Jace's body and barked angrily at these shadowy shapes, again and again. How dare they! HOW DARE THEY! He leaped into the air and snapped at the monstrosity that was closest to his mother, the thing looked at him with soulless deep blue eyes and pure hatred radiated from it, whatever this thing was it hated him, it hated his mother too. But he had no caring for its feelings, it was an abomination! Something to be chased away, to be destroyed. Now that the child was actively defending her the shadows slunk back for the boy with the fiery amber eyes that now seemed to glow from within forced them too. He growled aggressively, snarled words leaving his tongue that neither he nor anyone else could understand. The shadows flinched at this and retreated all the more. He turned back to look for his mother, to assure himself that she was safe and he saw standing over her the form of one of the lights for some of them too had taken upon themselves canine appearance. As silvery and wispy as the woman was, for it was a female, he saw within her the things that made up his mother, the same markings and floppy ears, the only thing that separated her from his mother was her eyes, they were like Pandora's instead of Jace's, within her paw was clenched a shadowy dagger too and it was raised and ready to protect.

Again the shadows began to creep towards Jace again and the woman sprung forwards, her moves agile and elegant to strike out at a shadow, they all backed off then and this unknown woman bared her teeth at them.

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