by my seventh shot i was invincible.
-Replies out of order like a twit- |: Just felt this one would be easiest right now XD;

An incoherent mumble accompanied some light squirming as his name, scarcely above a whisper, sounded from beyond the confines of his wondrous blanket cocoon. For a moment it seemed all was well, and then! The coffee-coloured loner yapped in alarm, arms flailing wildly as he sought to disentangle himself from the faded cloth. He sat up abruptly and looked frantically from side to side, eyes wide and hackles bristled. In his groggy, hung-over state, he expected some kind of emergency — what else could warrant such a forceful wake-up call?

But instead of the distillery being on fire, the greenhouses raided, or someone missing a limb, he only found Lilin peering down at him expectantly. Lilin! he exclaimed, calming somewhat but still visibly perplexed. What is it? He finally pushed the blanket from his lap and grabbed his shorts, which he slipped into as he stood up. From this elevated perspective, the past night's chaos became more evident. He shook his head and rubbed his face, then looked from the empty bottles, strewn roaches, and (somewhat stained) blanket back to the yearling. Well?

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