All the things you didn't know

Closing this in one week because I HATE when pack threads take too long. If you need some closure you may make one last reply. Any order, just post. Seriously.
Prisoners? They were still honestly talking of keeping prisoners? Cercelee shook her head. Prisoners might enrage Inferni further... yet they also could be used as a bargaining tool. Cercelee knew that much, yet she did not wish for her pack to stoop so low. Black mailing. War was ugly, and Cercelee wished again that they had no part in this. Looking at Haku she wonder what would have happened if she had gone to Inferni, told the leaders that he was responsible, to take his blood and leave the rest of them alone. She could have, she did not have to tell Mew it was fine when the female had accepted her brother. Cercelee could even cast him out of the pack now, but they were in too deep. And she couldn’t have done that anyway. Haku was doing what he thought best for his sister, and oddly enough she believed he was doing what he felt best for the pack as well.
"Any prisoners, and I hope there are none, should be returned in the condition we found them. Is that understood? We are not rogues. We do not need to use violence when it is not a dire situation." Cercelee scanned them once again, nodding to Slay as he left the group, knowing full well he probably shared her sentiments on this whole ordeal. And yet, some of the members seemed so blood thirsty in a way. Perhaps it was loyalty they were expressing, anger at the crimes committed against Mew and the new wolves on the borders, anger at any hostilities against their pack. And Cer could admire that, even if she could not join in. "Well, I think we are done here. Any more question or concerns, or any information you feel needs to be known, please tell me or Haku. As for now, I will retire and rest and I bid you all to do that same." Cercelee nodded at the assembled wolves once more and leapt from her rock, moving away quickly and soon she was out of sight.


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