Just a little rest

Cercelee smiled at the kind gesture, it made her want to share more with the sable girl, but at the same time Cercelee didn’t know where to start. She was done with it and when one dug up the past it was hard to know where to begin. "That’s okay. You don’t need to feel sorry for me," She had gotten enough of that when she was younger, she had grown up, raised by others who felt bad for her. "It’s over with. The funny thing is, if he came back, I know I wouldn’t refuse to see him. I should, for how he just threw me away, like I meant nothing, but I would grant him an audience, and even if I didn’t believe what he said to me, at least I would hear him out." Cercelee would hear them all out, she couldn’t help it. Even those that had wronged her, she always wanted to be fair and just, always wanted to give them every opportunity they could possibly have, even if she had already made her mind up.

Tilting her head slightly at Savina’s next words, she left out a sympathetic sigh. "Don’t say you’ll never see them again, how can you be sure? No one knows what life holds in store for them, and funnily enough it’s always the people you expect the least that end up crossing your path more than once. Besides, maybe someday you’ll return?" It was true, she wouldn’t have expect the cast of characters she had about her now, when she had returned to Clouded Tears she had envisioned living there until circumstances swept her away again. She had thought she would be with Laruku, to some extent, see him in passing, follow under his lead. Now she lead a pack herself and Laruku she had seen only once since the fire. Life was funny, it did what it wanted with no help from the living. "Would you want to return? If you had the chance, I mean. Or is this your home now?"


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