Sometimes... just sometimes...
<style>@import url(;</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 334

“It is nice to meet you too ma’am.”

Jiva smiled at Soran, bowing his head a little and the bird shuddered his wings a little, in short a way of saying he was pleased with her words. Tobias could understand a few words of high speech, though could not speak it. Jiva had been born amonst the birds and as a pup had met Tobias, who surprisingly didn’t attack him as a natural enemy. Marahute must have been a part of that reason, though Tobias had never showed much interest in Jiva until the day they met up again near the mountains. He was sure that the hawk roosted up in the trees when he was wild, and he must have missed the days where he could get as much meat as he wished just by scouting the area, perhaps that was a reason he came to Jiva, it was possible that he would have done the same if Niro had been the one to cross Tobias’ path.

“Well, I have been traveling a bit since I became a man, and I found that using my instint and letting myself be a wolf made me feel whole. I didn’t know there was a pack like that until I helped Zalen with a cougar and he told me about this place and when he mentioned my cousin , well I had to come. I didn’t expect her to be a leader though.”

He said, thinking of his very pretty cousin. He was envious of Zalen, though he did not wish to be mates with his cousin, but Zalen had the perfect mate it would seem. Jiva hoped to have one like that someday, but that was neither here nor now, and he was still a pup in mind and body and spirit and he wished to stay that way for some time. Love was for those who were old, but he wouldn’t mention that out loud to anyone.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

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