Rolling Hills Call Away


Oak's relaxed happy air was contagious. Terra's tail wagged as she began to dance across the landscape, her young nature showing through. She smelled everything, occasionally darting over to where she smelled prey, or pausing to just contemplate the sky. Moving back over she rubbed against Oak, enjoying the stroll and the contentment that sat around them. It made her feel playful, though her games weren't very relaxing in nature. Perhaps this calm blue-eyed male would have something they could do.

The coyote bounced back over to the wolf's side, ears twitching at his question. Three months now. It's not very long, but the pack feels like home to me. It was very different from the life she'd lived before, but that was alright. Terra's very core was like a raging fire, constantly changing and flickering. She adapted, and adapted well to the lifestyle they were asking of her. Terra was happy with her life, even if parts of it were very confusing. And you? Have you always been part of this pack, or did you travel once upon a time? Her words were teasing, baiting for a reaction from the handsome male.

Let the night take you away

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