checks and balances
#ulilohi {width: 90%; margin:auto;}
#ulilohi p {text-indent: 0; padding: 3px 0 3px 0; margin: 8px 0 8px 0; font-family: arial, sans-serif;}

Opps, hadn't seen this one 'till now :3 I don't really know what date it would be, but I'm not so bothered by the exacts, I know Uli would be around. Feb 6 works for you? IDJ what would be realistic with Anatole's travel and healing, but the fight was on Jan 18.
Sorta pp'd Uli hearing him approach the Town Hall, this be okay?
WC: 332

Her mind was a turmoil lately. Well, when had it not been, since she had set foot in this place? Authority thrust upon her, blame placed that she could not change. She pushed and pushed at it but it would not budge; it was forever placed on her shoulders, as a representative for the rule which these inhabitants believed had sent Maska. They would not believe her, it seemed, when she said Maska was no representative of theirs. Perhaps she was being paranoid, the hostility imagined, but this was the feeling of hopelessness that sometimes fell over her, and she could sit on her bench in the middle of the cold Town Hall and reflect upon her helplessness, her loneliness and her utter despair. Such spikes of darkness passed, as always, but they left her in a gloom for days after. Still, she attempted to keep her head high, to let nobody see. The truth of it was she missed her family, and her beloved Chief. And sometimes someone to entertain her when she could not sleep at night.

The Town Hall provided good shelter, but its windows had no shutters and its walls had openings here and there where she had not replaced the furs that covered them along the walls. Cold winter air seeped in there, as did scents and sounds from outside. Sometimes, they were welcome. Ulilohi looked up from her distant pondering, fingers absent-mindedly combing through a section of her mane, a braid-to-be. Her hand stopped and she listened again, checked the other senses. Someone was coming by to see her, and if not, to sit by the Great Fire. Company was something she welcomed then, else left to her own devices she could rapidly spin off downward. Anatole, for it was him, she could smell it, might be interested in sharing some of AniWaya's history with her. She walked to the door and exited the building with a ready smile on her face to greet him with.


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