Just a little rest
wc 453

Dark sleek head nodded at the other's words. "I must say, you're a bigger wolf than I. I will never forgive him for what he did to me, to my mother, and to my siblings. Even being willing to give him that chance shows your strong character." She was very impressed by Cercelee. Savina was not that forgiving, not that level-headed, not that willing to let someone in who by all rights didn't deserve to be. It spoke volumes about this other wolfess. With others the Italian femme was more forgiving, but not with Serge. Never with Serge. She was convinced that the horrible anger she had deep inside of her was his fault. His genes and his doing. Amata never got angry, she was the most patient wolf Savina had ever known. It had to be him. It was always him. The constant shadow that always hung over that happy family. The beast inside of her growled, but she calmed herself and moved on to another train of thought.

The next words that came from the ivory female's mouth were sweet like honey. The sable lady wanted to believe them with all her heart. She wanted to see Ehno again, she wanted to see Ghita again. To be able to look in their eyes, smell their scent, nuzzle their necks. "I suppose you're right, I never would've expected to end up here, yet here I am. The chances just seem so much less now that we have an ocean between us." Then she spoke of returning. A month ago she might've said yes, but not now. Love for the new pack she had would keep her here. Love for Naniko. Love for the pups Apollo and Sirius. Also shame would keep her away. The shame of what she had done to Serge. Not that it was him, not that he didn't deserve it, but the fact that she had been capable of it. Nothing really had happened, but she had felt it, that white hot anger. If she hadn't stopped herself she would've done more, and it scared her. Shaking her head she looked back at Cercelee. "No, I don't believe I would. This is my home now. I care for those here. All that is left for me in Italy are Ehno and Ghita, and they might not even be there." The Lacerta couldn't bring herself to say they could be dead. "But I don't despair. I really do like it here. This is a good pack, with good wolves. And there are other good wolves on this continent too, such as yourself." A smile once again cracked onto the onyx maw. Savina was growing quite fond of the Dhalia wolf.


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