Morning silence.
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I suck so so badly! I'm sorry =( Do you want to end it here or should we keep it going a while longer?

This was getting ridiculous now. A sempiternal conversation because this female would not stop fearing Hel. The warrior knew she was larger than most Luperci women and to this four-legged wolf she must have seemed enormous. But she had dealt with non-shifters before and never had it been so...stupid. Yes, that was the word. Stupid. Hel sighed inwardly. Was this the amazing new world? One of complete retards? And then came the ludicrous suggestion. Drop her knife? Hel started laughing, an almost hollow sound that was more annoyed than anything else. Drop her weapon, huh? I will drop nothing, Adelaida. I will, however, put it away. She placed it in the sheath on her belt. But please understand that if you make any sudden movements, I will be forced to hurt you.

She knew nothing. Hel closed her eyes and sighed. This had been a waste of time. The wolf knew next to nothing and would simply not give up this stupid idea that Hel would simply jump her and kill her. She was an assassin, yes, but not a madman. She didn't kill for sadistic pleasure, she did not destroy out of morbid fascination with chaos. She did her job, in much the same way others did theirs. Healers did not get a thrill out of the sight of disease, did they? Sailors did not welcome raging storms so they could pit themselves against them. And warriors did not fight for the jolt of connecting blows, for the sight of bruises or the promise of broken bones. But this was not Europe and it seemed that the wolves here were more backward. One more thing, Adelaida. Why are you afraid of me? I carry a weapon for my own protection. If I wanted to hurt you, do you think I would have given you my name? Do you think I would have spoken to you? Is it because I shift? If I assume your form, will you be more welcoming. Tell me why you fear me and you can go, Adelaida. Hel would be true to her word. If Adelaida told her, she could go. She didn't know Connor. She had spoken the truth. And the black shifter was no monster.


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