just set them up to knock them down (joining)

Erebus was by no means a social person. More often than not his company consisted of himself and his art and he was content that way. He had never been in a pack before and had even had trouble getting along with his family. And therefore, he continued to question his intentions at the border. He had always felt he would stay a loner, but perhaps in the back of his mind he had known that he would eventually need the interaction, the friendship, the protection and unity. And maybe now was the time to realize that. Now, as the interesting looking man came up to him with a wave and a friendly greeting.

As the stranger spoke, Erebus eyed him carefully, wondering how he could answer the question best without seeming too rude, something he was extremely good at. "Mm, actually I could be looking for you, depending on what you can offer. I was wondering if someone could explain this...pack to me? If that is indeed what it is. I happened upon the scented borders and my curiosity won me over," he explained, surprised by how easily the words fell from his lips. Usually, people could hardly pry a simple word from his lips, let alone multiple sentences. What was happening to him?


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