A New Family Is Found
"Wouldn't want it any other way." Her face turned red as he picked her up and licked her. God she loved this man. She nuzzled him as he nuzzled her and licked his nose. As she was put down she pouted a bit, wanting more attention but when he took her hand she grinned like a moron. She nodded and walked forward pointing out where the den was and such, but not in full detail. She was wondering if they would see any of their brothers and sisters, but she knew some were shy and others were asleep, being old and grumpy as they were. She smiled as she saw a figure and looked up at shadow to see if he wanted to go say hello. But instead he grabbed her sides and pulled her to him, making her gasp a bit. She really hadn't had much contact like this with other males, shadow being her first mate and all. She looked up again at him and smiled than licked under his muzzle.

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