fluorescent adolescent
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-squirms-. Oh and just so you know, sie and I OOCly agreed that Maggie’s new horse was bought from Myrika 8D

As the monarch’s regal words washed over her, the girl couldn’t help but shiver and stare. Larkspur had a quiet dark truth to him, and perhaps that’s why Magnolia was so fond of him… but this one, he was different. He had a tar black soul. Suddenly, Lolita came floating into Magnolia’s consciousness. And that was when she remembered where she had seen this before… her mother was a wicked one too, ferocious and wild. Sirius had a streak of madness in him; that very same thing that was in her, too.

Magnolia’s eyes narrowed at the mention of a new pack. That would be a new experience for her, dealing with this. She would have to be careful and check it out sometime soon. We will, her voice cracked and faltered. The awkwardness between them was still there, but Magnolia knew pondering about her pseudo-lover was meant for later.

The more the dark king spoke, the more the youthful Confidant’s eyes and smile widened. She couldn’t hide her happiness at her small win with Sirius. I would be so honored, the yearling said, a hint of confidence evident in her dainty words. I want a horse, too. I’m going to head east soon to look for one I can buy off another pack hopefully… her voice trailed off, thinking of possibilities such a powerful companion could provide her. She could travel four times as fast, which meant her daily border checks would take a fraction of the time. Her eyes returned back to her Boss, hungry for more of him.

Image by Sean McMenemy, table by Tammi!

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