paint the sky with stars

-raspy voice- C'mere little boy.. I've got candy >:3~

Word Count → 278

After some time watching the sky, Bangle found himself bored his fingers drumming against the rough wooden countertop to rid of the lack of customers. His other hand was propped under his chin, arm resting on the booth, the coywolf's body slumping heavily. All he heard for a while were many other merchants calling out to potential customers, and the peeping of the chicks in the black cage. The coywolf took what mild interest he could in picking debris and other things from his displayable wares, until he heard talk of another across the way, in the street of the open markets.

Bat-like ears perked up excitably, and the d'Arte merchant began to sit up straight until he realized he wasn't the one being spoken to. Bangle did not sell writing utensils of his own accord, and he was sure Skye would not part with what she had to read and write with herself. For some reason or another, however, the multicolored male looked on at the curious red-haired wolf who spoke to an unwilling merchant, and seemed to turn the boy away. Bangle cocked his head to the side momentarily, noting the view of the young adult even though the stranger's back was turned to his curious orange gaze. "'Ey! Psst! Friend, c'mere," he said in a loud hushed tone, a paw beckoning to the almost familiar-looking boy. "I got som'n better'n ink, friend." The coywolf attempted not to sound desperate, yet he itched for those last few chances he had to trade; to meet an unfamiliar face and - as was usual - trick them into an irrefutable bargain with a few clicks of the tongue.

Image courtesy of Dan Zen@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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