ghosts of days gone by

Oak sat, listening to his mother’s words as she spoke. Her tone was soft, and filled with underlining praise. He had done well, hunting for the pack and patrolling the boarders. The red toned boy couldn’t help but smile as she dismissed him and asked for him to take the time to visit the village in the next day or so. It was to look for the exiled male and his family, though she had not spoken it aloud. They all knew what it meant for Savina to dismiss a member, and they had all seem that he deserved it. Oak padded out the doorway, using his nose to close it slightly, for Anu needed her privacy and rest. Though he thought his mother an elder of the pack, her mind was sharp and her reflexes as quick as ever. What he didn’t know was that underestimating her would get him in trouble one day.

He took the stair quietly, and the scent of wet wolf caught his nose instantly. Oak shook out his coat, almost hoping to expel the scent from his own. But it remained, and he followed it until he saw his brother layout out before the fireplace. It had been some time since the two had had time alone, Oak found himself wandering around with the other Dreamers and roaming beyond the pack lands often. Cypress, is it raining? He teased, looking at the dirtied coat of his kin, a smile on his face. He was only teasing, rather then being harsh and judgmental. They both knew that it was not the elements that had gotten the darker brother so gross.


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