M-I Was Lost, Now I'm Broken
OOC text | WC :: +000

As Terra was freaking out shadows arm was bit but he paid it no mind. He nodded low to his Alpha in respect and growled lightly towards Augustus due to the way he was acting. He continued to hold onto Terra tightly keeping her from moving or biting anyone. As he held her she snapped at others in the area and he remained close to her holding her back as best he could.

Shhhh....Terra....it's okay, Calm, Calm yourself. I told you that I was going to be your brother and friend. I did not lie, and I wont let any harm come to you, while I am here.

Shadow continued to speak gently to Terra trying to ease her mind and body, she would have to relax or be forced down by him so that help could be given. Shadows heart skipped a beat then he saw the healer Deuce and when she said she wanted to help and treat Terra he sighed lightly glad that someone was on his side. Shadow felt all of a sudden that Terra was trying to run away so he was forced to pick her up so she had no leverage and he slowly and gently made his way through the group again trying his best not to bump anyone and then once out of the hole he sat down and held her to his chest as he licked her nose cleaning it and getting the blood off. He looked around and motioned for Deuce to help and start treating the wound but he looked at Zalen first with a look of need, and pain and he spoke lightly.

Please my Alpha, please have her get treatment so they she can be sent on her way and so she will live. I will take any punishment you see necessary, just please help her, she is like a sister to me. Her name and her past matters not to me, I have a pact with this one, she's my friend.

Shadow looked to Augustus and lowered his head and ears almost begging now, willing to do anything to save her.

Augustus...if it was a friend of yours and they could be saved, wouldn't you do all you could to save them? Even if she must be sent away, her life at least should be spared.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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