how long to heal?
It really honestly depends on the person/character and a number of factors. Size and depth of the cut will affect the healing process- if its too deep, it will need stitches and it won't heal on its own. Chance of infection will also slow it down as well as other health problems that the person/character might have. Cypress doesn't appear to have any illnesses/immunological problems so he should be a relatively fast healer.

A small cut- worse than a graze but not deep- on someone who heals relatively fast, takes a week to heal. I would have said that the cuts over his eye would have healed (the cut has closed over, scabbed over and there is some significant scar tissue) somewhere between week two-three, whereas the damage to his shoulder would have healed closer to a month to completely scar over, so that there's no scab or anything. Of course, that's not including the internal damage to his shoulder- his muscle would be a lot weaker and would need to be rested and only used lightly for the first week or so after its properly healed.

Taking that into account, seven weeks would probably be more than enough time to heal the wounds- he might still feel a twinge in his shoulder every now and then but I don't think there should be any problem in him shifting. Hope that helps sweety!

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