Sometimes I find myself wondering
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible

Word Count → 281 · Testing new table. xD Bear with me if it screws something up.

Alder’s acceptance of the name made the sun chaser smile. Green eyes watched carefully as the tall male extended a dark paw to touch the creamy mare, and he ached once more for hands to do the same. He almost sighed before he heard horse noises, normal enough around the stables, but some of the nickering came from the wolf! His ears stood to attention at once as he listened to the conversation, amazed. Perhaps he knew that it was possible to talk to other animals before, but he’d never witnessed it personally. His expression transformed into one of awed respect as he looked at the Marshall, understanding now why the young adult was so good with all of the horses.

“How’d you learn to do that?” Skoll asked, referring to the low speech. He stifled the other question: what had they been discussing? Somehow it felt wrong to ask, like it was a secret conversation or like Alder would be frustrated trying to translate and tell it all again. There was such easiness between the equine words, as if Alder were part horse himself—another theory of unlikely hybrids that almost rivaled his still-firm belief that Caspa had some ghostliness flowing through her veins.

He wagged his tail when the man mentioned Jolie wanted to stretch her legs. Maybe he wasn’t big enough to ride yet, but it could be fun to run alongside a galloping horse as long as he kept away from her hooves. He was about to bark the suggestion when he saw that Alder already had his hand on the stall door; quickly, he shuffled backwards to allow a safe distance between himself and the mare.

table by raze; template from the mentors

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