Mama Mia!!
ooc: OH NOES D: and what she says is "very good"

Don't make me change my mind.

"Thanks" She wasn't used to asking for help, even when she needed it, but she trusted that Savina wouldn't offer help unless she really meant it. Usually she felt guilty accepting help from someone, but this didn't seem so bad. "When I was little I was pretty sick of it, the cast...but Conri made me feel better about it. He always played with me anyway, whatever game he could think of that didn't involve a lot of running."

It had been a long time since she had spoke of the past, of her life before Twilight Vale. "We lived in different packs. His alpha, my father...he had locked Conri up because Conri kept trying to run away with his father Hollow. Hollow...wasn't good for Conri. He was a rapist. But Conri was so little...I don't think he understood. I didn't see him for a while, but then one day he just showed up and said that he was there to help me. I wasn't that old...but my adopted mother had run off, leaving me with my little brother Davinci. Conri and I both raised him, and ever since then we've been together."

Davinci had since moved on, going off to look for their sister Magdalena, and Naniko hadn't seen either of them since. They would be pretty big...Davinci was only around seven or months younger than she was. Naniko took the rest of the bandage off, putting it on the floor. "You did a good job with keeping it nice and easy. Not going too hard on the leg. It was all you needed, really, was to stay off of it and rest."

She laughed when her friend mentioned teaching the pups itallian. "That would be wonderful. Molto buon!"


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