The First Link in the Chain
<style>@import url( ... English+SC);</style>ALAKI
Should I bite my tongue until blood soaks my shirt?
Never fall apart, so tell me why this hurts so much
My hands are at your throat and I think I hate you
Word Count :: 492:3

Silently he listened to the others explanation regarding this Nayru. It was rare for Alexander to be serious and even rarer for him to genuinely inquire about another without some sort of irritating underlying meaning to his words. Since the idiot Zepar had moved to his left, the grey samurai found himself turning his head more than what was comfortable to observe the pale male; although he was growing accustomed to his partial blindness, it was irritating still that his field of vision was less than others and he was overly conscious about how others may view it, maybe that was simply because he himself saw his new limitations as a weakness. As Z'yrin explained that this Nayru was of good health he noticed Alex relax, the pale male seeming to slip back into his usual cocky, all too relaxed stance. Curiosity burned within the Rakeeb, question eager to be asked filled his mind, clinging to his tongue desperate to be spoken, although he managed to force them back. He'd get his answers from Alex one way or another when there wasn't another present.

With Alex back to normal, or alteast as normal as the pierced male got, the scarred samurai turned his head, his gaze falling upon the female once more. “Well that's good. Nayru was too damn hot to die or be ill. God forbid if Ichika lost such a beauty” Alex spoke the words causing the storm coated male to flinch in response, quickly suppressing a groan he mentally cursed the pale Zepar with every fowl word in every language he knew. Without looking he knew that the pale male would have that damned innocent expression sat upon his mug, as if he was some naive pup who didn't understand what he was saying and meant know harm; very quickly the Rakeeb had learnt that Alexander knew exactly what he was saying and doing and relished in the fact he could speak his mind often without getting into to much trouble. Counting a few seconds he squashed his initial reaction of which was to beat the living day lights out of his companion and he looked sheepishly towards the female leader, praying she hadn't taken offence from the idiots words.

“Remind me why I brought you with me” he whispered underneath his breath, the words barely audible. “Sorry. Seems at some point he lost his brain and is now nothing more then a helpless idiot. Do not take offence from his words” he attempted to mimic Alexander's ability to speak with both sincerity and innocence, the words quite clearly an insult to the pale male whom simply laughed at them. “And you met Skye? Is she well? I haven't seen her in awhile. As, yes. I'm her elder brother, although we're not all that close sadly, so I doubt you'd have heard mention of me” the ghost like zepar explained, answering some of the Rakeebs questions along with X'yrins.

Image courtesy of the-night-bird

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