M-I Was Lost, Now I'm Broken
OOC text | WC :: +000

Shadow listened to all around him and he looked quickly to everyone watching them as if they would attack him and Terra at any moment but there was no attack, however he felt and knew that Augustus wanted to throw his weight around. he acted like a pup on a power trip, The idea of power isn't to throw it around and make yourself look big and bad, it was to use it to protect those around you, To see to the safety of the pack and it's member. As Augustus walked around him and Terra he kept looking down at her but he watch the paw of Augustus walk around and from how slow he was moving he knew that he must have been staring at him, looking for his eyes to try and get a reason to make Shadow Submissive.

No way in hell was he going to look and give the big headed wolf the satisfaction. He waited till Augustus was gone and then he stood up with Terra in his arms and he nodded lightly to Zalen and waited for him to get near before he started walking.

Shadow heard Terra speak and he spoke down to her softly and calmly like he had always done when he was with her in the past. Terra, It's okay...I would die before I let anyone hurt you, You know I haven't forgotten my promise and i never will. He headed towards the den like Zalen had said and while they headed there she kept looking forward and every so often he looked down to Terra making sure she was fine as he spoke to his Alpha.

Thank you Zalen, I will watch over terra and she will stay in my care until she is fit enough to travel again. While we are walking however, I have a question. I Have yet to meet Augustus one on one and i was wondering , Is he always like that? Shadow knew that Zalen would know what he meant and that he wouldn't have to go into great detail.

Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
template by revo. <3


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