A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

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Dalgina was starting to grow very, very cold when she felt herself be scooped up. Tiredly she nuzzled into her Papa, bolting up as she remembered that she hadn't finished helping. She watched the last stick be placed on the pile with disappointment. She hadn't been able to help out very well. Shivering lightly she pressed her nose into his fur, taking comfort in his presence. She loved her Papa, safe and warm and always protecting her.

They returned to the house, but Dalgina didn't feel any warmer until they were before the fire. The warmth licked at her slowly, chasing away the chill with long baths of heat until she was happy again. Nuzzling Dalgina lifted her head, licking at Papa's chin. Got cold. Better now. Punctuating her sentence Dalgina sneezed. Settling back down she watched the fire flicker behind them. Will Papa stay? She knew that he had a lot of work to do, but Dalgina wanted him there with her, not with other canines.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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