[M]Living Legend
OOC: being lazy

IC: Hadley heard someone arrive behind him. The soft voice had him wearily turn around. It looked like an angel had found him. Too bad the last angel had decided he'd make a good slave. The sight did nothing but confirm that he was going to die. Hadley didn't fight, didn't make a sound, just watched her with fear. Or him, as his nose decided to inform him. Finding out that this beautiful angel was a guy seemed wrong to Hadley. He carefully disentangled himself from the den, hesitantly stepping out to see if it was the truth. He sniffed deeply. Yes, it was indeed a guy.

Puzzled Hadley looked at the male. You're not an angel, are you? Hadley wouldn't relax until it was confirmed that the sight before him was definitely not an angel, but some guy who was just as unfortunate as he was. Well, maybe less so. At least with his looks the guy would be able to get some food when he needed to, and wouldn't be forced to do things against his will. Sitting down he looked down, ashamed of the way that he'd acted. Hadley couldn't exactly shift back into his optime now, stuck in his lupine form wearing the proof of his cowardice.

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