the proof is in the fire
Talisein looked down, portraying the sadness of the event as he described how his mum had become disliked by the pack and by his dah. It really was quite disheartening, and though the pup knew less than half of it, most any listener could tell that the even was quite tragic, and very stressful to the pup. He never much liked dah, that was Noah's job, but he still didn't want to not have a family. He wasn't that close to any of them, but having them there was nice... he had found himself rather lonely after having been separated from Siri. He shuddered as he recalled the storm that had separated them; he had never seen the ilk! But quickly he banished it from his bubbly mind and got back the business at hand. Though, admitedly, he had sort of forgotten what that was exactly.

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