We're the Same
Startled, Cadmeia stumbled and nearly fell over. A creature had emerged from the snow - it was like Hadley and the others, only smaller. It began sniffing her, enough to tickle, and Cadmeia had to hold back her laughter. ”Stay focused, this may be an enemy!” Cadmeia didn’t truly think the creature would harm her, but she was alone in an unfamiliar territory. Now that she thought about it, she probably shouldn’t have been roaming around by herself. Judging by the features of this creature before her, Cadmeia gathered that it was probably young like herself. It probably shouldn’t be alone either.

The golden animal before her then spoke - Cadmeia couldn’t help but grin (although she tried to hide it). The creature wanted to know about her. It made her feel warm inside - the voice was not intimidating at all. It sounded lively with a fleck of curiosity. ”Vulpes vulpes,” Cadmeia replied, presenting the creature with her formal Latin name. As it stared back at her wide-eyed, she realized that it may not know Latin. “I..I mean...fox...I’m a red fox! Who....what....and you??”

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