Millions of years, where it all began
Sounds good—hope this works too. Also PM me if you want anything changed. Her last counter is room for him to escape with the rest of the group? (I know not everything is finished with the thread yet.... ><;; We can also continue if you want.)
WC: 506

She threw her kicks and he absorbed them. She was disadvantaged by size, but she doubted that she was disadvantaged by skill. Nevertheless, she knew that care must be taken for her self. For him, she would care very little. His wellbeing—well, that was not her concern. Her concern was to fight. While each technique was powerful, it was almost as if she were not yet fully ‘attacking,’ as if she were only testing him, milking her first belligerent encounter in a long time. There was a dark enjoyment that rushed from the pit of her stomach and through her heart, something almost giddy. In all respects, she misused the martial art in that her intent was not benign. Her intent was malignant. Those strong, hungering jaws were out for blood. For flesh. White teeth sought to tear into the muscles of her opponent. Claws sought to rip away at flesh. Her fists and her feet sought sweet, powerful impact with his body, to cause internal damage. She sought to kill.

Even as her second kick landed, a projectile from her own ranked pack wolf caught him from behind. He was easily distracted and allowed it to perturb him. Her opponent smelled of rage. Enraged fighters made mistakes. Enraged fighter missed things.

As he faked, she moved to throw a kick, but he rushed her. The distance closed fast, and her opponent brought himself too close for her kick’s range. And as he rushed her, he was successful. Seeing that it was too late to escape it, she allowed herself to fall with him, and suffered little damage. Some wind was knocked from her for his heaviness, but it did not steal her strength as she fell with technique. He covered his head first instead of attacking her, and so she attacked first. Her strong fists came around his body, hopefully to get in a few powerful hook punches to his ribs. As he struggled to grasp her limbs, she brought her jaws up to snap at his face, ears, and neck. Those black, sanguine jaws clicked audibly as her teeth sought purchase in any flesh.

Allowing him to be preoccupied with the capture of her arms, she swiftly and deftly adjusted her body, shrimping and trying to adjust her legs to give herself the optimal position. Her legs sought to wrap around his legs in a way that, when she arched her back, and then pushing off with her knee, she would be able to slide out. And with her speed she would back out, never turning away from him, and taking several big steps back to place room between them again. If she could not escape, she would attempt to lock his knees in, to head butt him, and continue to seek purchase in his flesh. She was smaller than him and more flexible, she was quicker. Strength could be questionable. And he was definitely bigger than she was. In the future, however, she would need to consider how to handle grappling situations.

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