A beachside home? A dream come true

"Yes it is," he replied, having sensed her presence several moments ago. The hearing and olfactory senses of his species were extraordinary already, and he had undergone a few measures to ensure that he was always very in tune with his own, especially hearing. Every detail should be noted, none missed, because any one detail to a smell or the background noise could have consequences.

"I especially enjoy such nights near the beach. It was only a short while ago that I discovered them, but I became enraptured immediately." It was true. Ever since he had seen the beach, he'd had second thoughts about returning home. As far as the wolves here knew, he had no home to return to, he was a rogue, an aimless traveler who explored to explore, and had simply found the best place so far to stick around.

"How are you this evening?"


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