Fire and Ice
your soul is my feast

Helotes thought himself so high and mighty, didn't he? Spanish rolled off his brother's tongue just as easily as it did his own; both were more comfortable in the native language, and often resorted to it when alone or in the company of others. Columbine's thoughts were currently whirling in Spanish, an assortment of jumbled phrases and imagery, and his lips lifted into a snarl as he danced briefly away from his brother. The adrenaline of the fight coursed through him, mingled with the passionate hatred that gave him a reason to fucking breathe. Umber eyes were narrowed as he listened to Helotes call him the coward, and deep, angry laughter spilled from his teeth as he shook his massive head. No, you mistake yourself. But I understand - underneath all that self absorbed cockiness is someone who can't bear to admit that they have done wrong to both their family and themselves. You are disgusting, hermano. Utterly disgusting.

Unfortunately, Columbine quickly found him in a painful arm hold, and clenched his teeth together in irritation. Here was Helotes, thiniking himself so high and mighty, and Columbine had allowed him to pay paw on him long enough to stand prisoner. The dusky male was still for a moment, eyes briefly held together in pain, but he did not allow himself that particular luxury too long. With a snarl, the Hastati wrenched himself from Helotes grip, just soon enough to be able to fully concentrate on his arrogant brother's speech.

So here he was, pulling rank. A composed, mocking smile slid across the unbalanced man's lips as Helotes tried his best to belittle him in a most obnoxious manner. Here you are, again, thinking yourself so much goddamn better than me, Helotes. Like you're something that's so fucking special. You cover yourself in Inferni, hiding in the politics of the clan, to defend yourself from the truth I present! Fine, Hydra, Columbine sneered, crunching his body in a condescendingly mocking submissive form. I submit to you! High, exalted Hydra. His low voice was laced with rough and husky laughter; the Lykoi brother would not give his brother the energy of an apology.

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