Meeting under Moonlight

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

Amy had made her way back to Halifax, ready to recollect her supplies and start trading again. The rage she'd felt during her labor had proved that she'd been right to put the delicate supplies in storage, blocked off from where others could reach it. She had found several traps in Halifax the last time she'd been here, and not wanting her stuff to be taken Amy had set up her own more deadly traps around it, including a knife set to plunge through the back of any canine foolish enough to try and reach her stuff, hidden in the top floor of a hotel with broken glass and missing steps all prepared to discourage visitors.

She hadn't even reached there, the satchel of puppies bumping gently against her body, when an anguished cry pierced the night. Curious to see what was causing that, and see if she could help make more of it, Amy moved towards the sound. Luckily the pups were asleep at the moment, having drunk their fill of her milk. Which, she sternly reminded herself, they wouldn't be getting anymore of. She was going straight to Inferni, and then she'd be off to kill them. Reaching the section Amy stared in bewilderment as the slave girl she'd seen before stood, her hand seemingly swallowed by the wall. Realizing it was one of those traps set up around the city Amy sighed. Someone must have been working on catching canines to turn into slaves. This one already had an owner though. Amy stepped forwards, examining the trap. The pictures at the top were quite foolish, as was the question. Snorting she pushed on the coyote and stepped back.


Table by Alex

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