Bad Luck Comes in Threes

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

The figurines taken out and displayed were gorgeous. Amy actually picked them up, searching for flaws. Each one was smooth, even the mother and pup seemed to flow together, as if they could separate at any moment. The detail was incredible. A more superstitious canine might suppose a spell had been cast to turn actual wolves into these. She nodded her head, listening to his words. Her ears twitched as he mentioned that there were more. Immediately Amy wished to see them, her childish side displayed in the glint of her eyes, the part that loved beauty and still contained a piece of stained innocence.

Her merchant side won over of course, and Amy carefully arranged the wooden figurines, setting them up so she could neatly put them away. My name's Amy Sunders. I believe we have a trade. Carefully she wrapped the supplies they had purchased up so that it would be easy for them to carry. If you ever need anything again, I'll be in the north. Howl and I'll come. No matter the request, I can fulfill it. Amy picked up the figurines and placed them with great care in the wagon. Definitely one of her best trades.


Table by Alex

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