A life you never thought you'd have

Word Count :: 000 Set march 4.

Aeron had to admit that she was in no mood to play these games with the golden demon. There were many in the world that Aeron could do without and Amy was one of them. Looking around she heard a faint cry of a puppy and remembered that the dog had been bred and was due any day. Well she must have had them so she was most likely being a mother so Aeron moved deeper into the temple.

Coming around a corner Amy met her and did not seem to pleased. Aeron smiled well now she decided to play that was nice indeed. Glad to see you decided to be smart for once. She spoke looking at her

Aeron reached into her bag and pulled out a thing of meat that had been wrapped it was just now slowly starting to rot. She had brought it for the Sut after all she wasn't worth Anathema's high quality food. Pups or not Aeron would not bring her the fresh things. Here Aeron said tossing the wrapped meat towards her. She didn't care if she caught it or let it fall.

Aeron smirked looking at her. She was just having fun now this was pure fun to the golden vixen. her tail swayed with her rank as she looked at Amy. Time would tell wither they should have killed her or if this was a good idea.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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