the only world they left us
Wraith is ready to detonate from enthusiasm in 3... 2... 1... :p (WC: 303)
[/html]Wraith smelled her brother before she saw him, so once she noticed him near the group, she was already grinning widely and her tail was already wagging quite steadily. He offered to join and then took his place beside Wraith, which pleased the girl greatly. She liked knowing that her brother wanted to be with her not just because they were related, but because he genuinely liked her as a coyote -- or, so she hoped.

Soon enough, the white coyote (who didn't really look like a coyote at all) mentioned that there was a herd of reindeer nearby. Wraith was pretty certain she knew what one looked like, but only had vague memories of what they tasted like. She had started hunting at the appropriate age, but this would be the first time she hunted a reindeer with the clan. As such, she was fairly excited to begin.

Myrika spoke next and explained her hunting abilities, which pleased Wraith well enough. She liked the idea of driving them into the lake, especially since she could claim swimming as one of her skills.

"I like that," she chirped in agreement. She was not one to cant and try to pretend to dislike something in an effort of being 'cool,' so her enthusiasm was genuine. "I learned how to swim, too, so I can help! Do you think we have enough? Should we leave now?" As always, she was ready to burst forth with all of her questions and was incredibly excited to get this hunt on the road. She was especially happy to have not only met some new members of the clan, but also have the chance to hunt with her brother. She was excited to show him how much better she’d gotten and she hoped he’d enjoy hunting with her, too.[html]

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