A life you never thought you'd have

OOC i suck at coming up with insults Sad

Word Count :: +000

Amy pulled the knife from the wall and carefully cleaned it. Checking the edge she sighed. It looked like it would need sharpening. Her ears twisted around to track the blond bimbo, hearing her hand move to somewhere. Amy wasn't sure what she was doing, but it probably was nothing interesting. I'll keep that in mind when I see one. Amy turned around, noting the knife in the coyote's hand. Smiling slightly she dipped her head in mock politeness. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get my wagon ready. With the pups birthed, she had no need to stay in the pack any longer. Sure, she would return. After all, Amy had agreed to a contract. That didn't mean she had to live in the pack, just drop by and give the information she gained. In exchange she'd have shelter.

With ease Amy stepped around the other, clearly displaying the fact that she didn't view the other as a threat. Amy might still have some ways to go before she was back to the peak she'd been at before the pups, but she was already moving much faster than before, her balance being regained as she lost the weight. Her eating might not be particularly healthy at the moment, but that would be fixed soon enough when the source of her concern was dead, far away from where she was.

Table by Alex

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