Sometimes I find myself wondering
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible

Word Count → 319

Pale ears stood to attention as Alder mentioned that a cat had taught him, but Skoll decided that it made sense. If a lower animal knew high speech, they’d be able to teach wolves how to talk in the low tongue. He knew that he’d try to teach his father some words of French once, but being only a cub, he hadn’t been a very good tutor. He’d lost the practice of babbling foreign words, filtering out the ones that the majority of his pack mates could not understand, but he understood the concept of different languages now at least.

“D’ya think I could learn?” the golden boy asked, head tilted. He wasn’t sure if just anyone could learn something like that; Alder, after all, had such mastery around the beasts that he had to be a chosen one or something. Everyone had their special talents, and some limitations; the boy would never be as fast as some other canines, for example, but he was somewhat strong.

He grinned at the thought of letting the horse run, and it took all of his willpower not to break into a gallop now. They’d have to wait until they were in a safer area where the mare wouldn’t knock into something or trample someone with their hooves. Trying to remember where the passage was, he waited for the tall tan male to take the lead and trotted alongside them, his pace wolfish and his muscles contracting like steel as he kept a very steady pace.

Once they reached the pasture, however, Skoll could not contain himself. The sight of the open area flooded him with energy, and with an excited bark, he dashed forward through the grass—keeping a safe distance from the horse as not to spook her when he went careening past. He mimicked a horse’s gait as he run, clumsily, but it looked like he would never tire.

table by raze; template from the mentors

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