A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina crouched down as her head was rubbed softly, tousling her fur. She looked up happily, listening carefully as he spoke. Wisely Dalgina nodded her head. She would know now. When she felt bad Dalgina would...would...she wasn't sure what she'd do yet, but she'd make sure not to do things that made her feel worse, like going outside in the snow and dragging sticks around. Hearing that her body was trying to fix itself had Dalgina looking down. She was broken? She did feel bad. Luckily it sounded like she'd get all better.

Hearing Papa declare that he would stay set Dalgina's tiny tail wagging wildly. She loved her Papa, and wanted to stay with him. Asked what she wanted to do Dalgina slowed, pondering. It wasn't often that she got time with Papa like this, so she wanted to make sure that it was extra special. After a long time of thought Dalgina came up with something. Make pictures! They could use the firedust together, though with the fire in the way of reaching the firedust it would be a lot more difficult to do.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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