acidic mornings
Everytime I reach for you, there's no one there to hold on to.
Nothing left for me to miss, I'm letting go, letting go of this
Word Count :: 000 now...He's awkward. And he loves Ilu.

Jacinto's serious expression turned to a wide grin, ears flattening shyly, or more sheepishly as Helotes remarked on how soon they had managed to have children. Almost made it sound like Omni and himself had something extremely sexual going on. It couldn't be, it had only been twice in a long period of time. At least his brother was happy. This was an amazing moment, there was nothing depressing about children. "There's only a couple of weeks left I think..."

Jacinto watched comfortably and lovingly as Helotes kissed Omni's face, normally he'd feel jealous if some other man ha done so. But the words his bigger brother spoke were accepting, claiming his beautiful mate as family.

A voice startled the ginger hybrid, sleekly feminine and all too familiar. The name came to mind before the Lykoi male had time to turn around. "Ilusion! " It was pitiful knowing he had abandoned speaking in Spanish, but the chance of leaving Omni out was far too great. "It's been a while...This is Omni...Omni, this is my sister Ilusion." Gesturing with his hand, gradually smiling wider and wider as he introduced the two. Ilusion...I know this is going to sound really really weird...But you're an aunt. Omni is pregnant..." A shy smile was shot in the direction of his beautiful sister, somewhat apologetic. The tawny canine loved his mate though, how could he feel sorry? Maybe it simply was the worry that she'd get the same idea as Columbine, that wasn't right at all.

Pausing, the Lykoi glanced to his present siblings. Taking Omni's hand, he brought the delicate woman's body close to his in a gentle hug. This must have been stressful for her, having so much of his own family gathered. And she had none. On occasion she'd remark on the ill and torturous treatment she had aquired from the witch-like woman. Many times he'd sympathize with her, wish he had been there to defend her from the terrors of the world. If he had the chance, he'd take it. Moving away from his angel of a woman, he approached his sister to take her into a warm hug, "I have a family...You guys and Omni...And soon to be them..."


Image courtesy of derekbruff


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