Sometimes I find myself wondering

Of course you can. Alder replied with conviction. Anyone could learn the language, as long as they practiced and had a true determination to learn and understand. But Alder could not say that it would take the youngster longer then it had Alder to learn, he seemed bright and eager and that was all the male figured was needed. He could even teach him, if Skoll really wished to learn the tongue of the lower language species.

Alder walked beside the mare, the pup along side as well. He held the lead in one paw, the other rested on the mare’s back and Alder gave a few calming words that may explain what they were doing. But by all accounts the mare understood, or even already had. She noticed the pup, gave her distance and was far from unsure about the young wolf’s presence.

Even when the pale golden pup ran off the mare did not seem shaken at the least. She gave a slight huff from her nose as if to say that pups will be pups and then gently continued on until they reached the gate. Alder untied the lead and watched the pup as he ran, remembering how he pretended just the same way when he was young. Watch her go! he spoke, and the mare began with a soft trot. Her gait grew from there, and Alder entered the field and watched them. Not too close Skoll. He reminded, his tone sounding rather fatherly instead of scolding.


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