End of the Road.[j]

Her ears were finely honed for the cries of newcomers, considering the quietness that hung around the borders lately. Caspa would have been happy to be called upon to fulfil her rank's commitment to newcomers far more than she had lately, although she knew that it was perhaps a sign of health in the lands around, that the pack which aimed to take in and shelter the outcasts as well as provide a stable front for the faithful members, had found itself short of tenancy. Caspa was certain this would be no lingering state of affairs. There were always, sooner or later, unfortunates to add to the ranks of the downtrodden, or courtly types who came desiring to protect and lend their talents to the honourable Miracles pack.

The dim atmosphere had sucked colour from the land, and would have done the same to the pale wraith which stalked it, four-legged for ease of travel, if she had not been utterly monochromatic already. In this light she could not see as far as usual, so the howl came across an expanse of land which she had thought was empty. Caspa's head lifted, lupus-short mane drifting almost lethargically with the swift movement, and her eyes darted like a hawk's to the almost invisible figures on the horizon, just stick-figures at this distance. She wasted no time in approaching, the scents a muddle which she could make little of despite one small note of familiarity that filtered through. She heard the snort of a horse, and there was the scent of another prey creature alongside. Then, the canines. Caspa's face was a frown of contemplation right until the moment she halted before them, distilling herself skeletally out of the gloom without a word. Her eyes roved over the husky male that had called her, the flock of creatures, the youngsters - and the woman.

Both of Caspa's ears perked, as much as they ever did - a movement barely visible, but her scarred jaw opened very slightly too in a gasp of recognition. "Krystalle," she murmured. "And Senorita…" She remembered the horse's name: it had been the first she'd seen ridden. She had not met the male, or caught his name: Krystalle had spoken only very briefly of the father of her unborn children. Caspa remained unfazed, however, her eyes returning to the face of the male who had made the call. An introduction was necessary, so she would address herself to him. "Well met. I am Caspa. What brings you here?" She couldn't stop a small note of concern creeping into her otherwise-even speech. This resembled nothing less than an exodus, and she suspected hard times were not far behind the little ensemble.

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