Little boys don't stay little boys

Word Count ::312 Points::3 OOC::

He listened intently as the snowy woman spoke. She thanked the canines for their presence and spoke about the ceremony. She took time to independently address what each of her boys had caught and the relevance they entailed. They weren’t kids anymore, and everyone would probably be seeing more of them. The Dasa didn’t know the any of the three boys personally, but he couldn’t help but smile and feel pride. The Angela’s speech honestly hadn’t been long; it just seemed as if with every second that passed the smell of the food became more intense to his nose. As soon as she was finished he opened his mouth, letting his tongue fall out the side he had been salivating heavily. The multicolored mix took notice of the confrontation between Amy and Octavius, he seemed to go after her as soon as his mother finished speaking. Hearing the young man’s words forced a fiendish smile to his face, probably because of his strong distaste toward the golden female. Wow, who else doesn’t like her? He knew that Aeron didn’t care for her, but one of Naniko’s children disliking her as well made him ponder the idea. The Huskadore watched the Oriax approach the boy to congratulate him and ask what rank tier he would enter.

Wanting to be closer to the food Mido made his way toward where Judas, Naniko, and Severus were. Standing just a few feet away from their leader he acknowledged her first and briefly by bowing. Judas, Severus congratulations. He wasn’t exactly sure what to say, so he spoke what was on his mind concerning the newly young men. The three of you will do great things in time to come, I’m sure of it. Still smiling he looked back to the Angela. You must be proud of your sons. He figured she was because any good mother would be.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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