When you're not strong


More than anything, Kiara wanted kind words. She needed soothing tones to help her through her grief. Yet standing before her was a wall of anger and hate. His impatient sigh startled Kiara and the frustration in his eyes confused her. What had happened to make such a gentle male turn vial? The white wolf crouched down as he stalked to the boarder line. Although he was still several feet away from her she couldn't help but submit. Her tail became tucked beneath her legs and her ears flattened agains her head. Kiara could sense that she wasn't welcome, but there was some part of her that hoped Noah was turn back to his kind self.

It was painful for the white female to listen to Noah's words, and as their meaning hit her she couldn't help but sit in shock. She wasn't like that, he knew she wouldn't do that to him. Hurting Noah, turning him down, that wasn't her intention at all. She never wanted to make him feel pain and was devastated when their last meeting had turned sour. Once the shock dissipated, instead of sadness there was anger. The pregnant female's temper flared. She quickly rose and her tail stood high. Kiara pulled her lips back and growled, low and loud at the impostor who stood before her. "What the fuck do you know! How dare you accuse me of such things! I was pregnant before our little meeting, jackass. Not to mention my so called "type." In case you don't remember, you were once an Ichiken too."

Tears began to stream down her face, this wasn't supposed to happen. "I came here to ask for your help, not take your bullshit."

Table By Bria

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