Whiskey In The Jar

Screw post length!

Silvano snorted slightly as the other young man suggested a break. A break from what? Walking? He was amused by the thought, though part of his snort came from inhaling floating dust. What a nuisance. Regardless, the knight nodded, then said, "Might as well. I don't think he's here anymore, anyway." It could be their little reward for doing absolutely nothing. Not that he minded much; breaks were perfectly fine. Hadn't they earned it, even just a little bit?

As Oak went behind to look in the backrooms from the doorway, the Sadira brushed past the bar and behind it, eagerly looking for remaining bottles not yet looted by a Dreamer or other canine before the pack as here. Hell, even humans may have looted it back in the day. He crouched, a rather interesting feat considering just how tall he happened to be. Fumbling around, Silvano managed to hit his fingers against a glass bottle neck. Tongue sticking out, he managed to pull it out and set the dusty thing atop the bar with a successful clink.

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