everything looks perfect from far away
[/html] The soft yip startled Claudius enough for him to stagger a bit, but not quite enough for him to do much damage. He recovered quickly enough, but was still embarrassed to have been discovered so close to a pack just wandering. That was definitely not the right way to go about things. If Cour des Miracles still had designs against AniWaya, they would have undoubtedly done something nefarious while he was wandering. He tried not to think of this, but naturally he began to assume the worst. He turned to see a wolf, barely visible aside from her head poking out of a bush. Claudius shivered unconsciously, wondering if she intended to tie him up and stash him away. He usually tried his best not to daydream because his thoughts would inevitably wander into dangerous territory. Instead, he clenched his jaws to pull himself back to the present and the wolf who had just presented herself. He couldn't go losing himself again.

He took a few steps closer, but then paused when he realized it would probably be best to hang back. He didn't want to aggravate her, especially if she was a scout.

"H-hi," he stammered. "I-I was ju-ust..." he began, but faltered when he realized he didn't know what he had been doing. "I-I ho-ope I'm not... bothering you... I didn't... mean to... wander... so close to the pack..." he explained. He felt stupid even as he explained this because the scent of the pack was so strong, of course he'd known where he was. "I mean -- I'm not he-ere to cause any... trouble." He ended this lamely, pulling his ears back a bit to show that he was no threat to her.[html]

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