Sometimes I find myself wondering
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible

Word Count → 199 · Hmm, think we should start wrapping up? :3 Didn't know if you had any other ideas.

Paws tread on cold grass, crushing the frosted blades as energy tingled through his veins. For a moment, Skoll seemed to capture the weak winter sunlight in his body. He made a good effort of holding it there, the golden beams falling across his honeyed coat, but the next moment he was just a gawky cub running through the pasture again. One day, he would indeed grow, but the path to that day had not yet revealed itself. He was only a kid who liked horses and pretended to be a horse now, tossing his head like a vainglorious stallion and even letting out an inelegant whinny as the horse was let loose.

He paused and turned to watch the creamy mare as she moved through the field, rendering his movements those of a clumsy child’s. The fine musculature of the newly-named horse captivated him for a moment, and he heeded Alder’s words with no more than an ear-twitch in his direction. Her hooves beat the earth, their vibrations traveling up through his paws into his strong young body, and he grinned broadly. He began to scamper around again before howling at the young adult.

“Run with us, Alder!”

table by raze; template from the mentors

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