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Terra chuckled softly at his answer. She knew that she was beautiful, using it to beguile those she stole from, but she was a mess at the moment. Her views on beauty weren't exactly par with the rest of the world's, seeing beauty as an effect created by acting a certain way, not as part of oneself. Terra wasn't trying to be beautiful, and she wasn't planning on using him either. There was no reason for him to see beauty in her. Another small smile covered her face at his whimper. What a strange reaction. Well, she was acting rather strange herself. Not at all her usual manner. Hadn't been since he took off his robes.

Both of them knew she technically wasn't stuck, able to call for a pack member to help her. Terra didn't want to be caught having done something so foolish though, and she was enjoying his company. He was different. Not the first to be kind to her, but the first to be a complete stranger and do so. Not even Shadow had been like this right off the bat, forced to play games with her before she finally acquiesced to his teaching. Everyone was held at a distance, but now she was weak and lying exposed, unable to do anything but take others at face value, unable to defend herself. Maybe it's the other way around. I put a spell on you so you'll stay. Her tone was light, joking about the painful situation while she moved to get more comfortable. His fur was certainly soft to cradle into.

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