that's it...break me one last time
By Bria

OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.”

Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit. Pellentesque pulvinar, felis et porttitor auctor, odio augue auctor nisi, vitae ultrices enim felis tincidunt augue. Morbi arcu dui, tempus sit amet vehicula id, tincidunt sed elit. Maecenas ornare, arcu eu volutpat egestas, justo arcu aliquet urna, bibendum auctor sapien orci eget nunc

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<p class="ft-ooc">OOC here!</p>

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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. <b>“Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.”</b></p>

<p>Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit. Pellentesque pulvinar, felis et porttitor auctor, odio augue auctor nisi, vitae ultrices enim felis tincidunt augue. Morbi arcu dui, tempus sit amet vehicula id, tincidunt sed elit. Maecenas ornare, arcu eu volutpat egestas, justo arcu aliquet urna, bibendum auctor sapien orci eget nunc </p>

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By Kitty

Word Count :: 000


Will you stand when it all burns down. Will you love when it all burns down
Will it end when it all burns down. Will you just let it all burns down

Image courtesy of ecstaticist

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[doHTML]<center><div class="GR2_SeleneVansenza"><div class="name"><style> @import url(; @import url(;</style><FONT COLOR="#e9ab3c">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#e9ad3d">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#e9b03e">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#eab23f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#eab440">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#eab741">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#eab942"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebbc44">V</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebbe45">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebc046">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebc347">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebc548">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebc749">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebca4a">z</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ebcb4a">a</FONT></div><div class="inner"><div class="ooc"><b>Word Count :: 000</b><OOC</div>
<p>IN CHARACTER TEXT </p></div><div class="lyrics">Will you stand when it all burns down. Will you love when it all burns down<br>
Will it end when it all burns down. Will you just let it all burns down</div></div><p class="template-credit">Image courtesy of <a href='' target='_blank'>ecstaticist</a></p><style>
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