home is never the same
She ran her fingers through her auburn curls, waiting. She debated the wisdom of howling again, but settled instead for taking a seat. The ground was cold and hard, yet her wait soon proved fruitful. She lifted her eyes to the approaching wolves, then let them ease down before her startled gaze jumped to the grey furred male. She studied him, her hand lifting to toy with the raven feather braided into her mane. She could tell by posture that one was much higher in rank than the other, and it was to the higher ranked wolf she directed her gaze and somewhat flirtatious smile.

"Hello, there. I am Willow. I was nearby, and wanted to stop and enquire about the lands I had heard of." Again, the flirty smile as if Soul were trying to escape the confines of the shared mind. Inwardly, Willow hissed at Soul to back down, that now was not the time to be a flirt. Surprisingly, the succubus backed down from the assassin. Willow studied the two males. Having dismissed the grey male as less important, her gaze was mostly on the black furred male. Though the flirtatiousness had fallen from her smile, the smile had not yet fallen from her lips. She was a good actress in either persona, and it made her next action easier to do.

Willow dipped her head, offering her neck in a modified show of submission. Her hands rested in her lap, thereby concealing the pouches which hid her daggers. She submitted, but she was willing to fight if he took the token gesture too far.

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