everything looks perfect from far away
How much can you control Haven as an NPC? Haven attacked Claudius during the AniWaya raid, so he would probably recognize Claudius and have an "oh snap!" moment. In my next post, I'll probably have Claudius address Haven since I didn't want to smush too much dialogue into this post. (WC: 312)
[/html] Claudius’ indignation worsened when the girl made fun of him. He knew that he struggled with his words a lot, but that was no reason to make fun of him. He also knew that, like Attila, the ones who did the bullying were often trying to fill some sort of void or make themselves feel better. He didn’t like thinking that she was making fun of him because she was injured, but right now, he couldn’t help but think it. And then, of course, instead of asking him to repeat it (and after mangling his name a few times), she decided to call him cloudy. What kind of name was that? Still bristling, Claudius took a step back when she tried to sniff him. He didn’t want her coming any closer if she was just going to be immature and insult him.

“That’s not my name,” he snapped. “A-a-and you d-on’t… have t-o-o be… rude about it…” he added, trying to keep his temper down. “May-aybe I shou-ould… just… go—” he began, but stopped abruptly. Just as she gestured to the wolf, Claudius realized how he knew him. It was the wolf that had attacked him when he had been trying to help the invaders find their way to Maska. If anything, Claudius had since realized that his plans always went awry – the first time, he’d been imprisoned and tortured in Crimson Dreams, and the second, assaulted by the warrior from whom he’d sought help. Claudius, now doing his best to ignore the annoying girl, couldn’t take his eyes off her so-called protector. If he was here to make sure she didn’t get into any trouble, what would that mean for Claudius? What would happen if he deemed Claudius some form of ‘trouble’ from whom this Terra girl needed saving? Claudius didn’t want to find out; he wanted to leave, now. [html]

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