go west young man
A name that had once been better associated with wolves was what he owned, in a clan that belonged to the coyotes. He didn't know anything about his name, only that it had once belonged to his mother. While he wondered why he had been graced with her name and not his father's he had not yet asked that question of his small guardian just yet. Today was not for worrying on the past or brooding over his blood, it was a day for sticking his nose in clumps of kelp and seaweed, overturning driftwood and hopefully finding a tasty snack or two along the way. This was the life of the young and carefree, though he knew sooner or later life would catch him and make him grow up and grow old, until then he was determined to fight it every step of the way.

He had his head half buried under a large piece of driftwood as his canines snapped happily at the claws of a cornered crab. The young de le Poer had managed to capture the creature by it's massive claw and he had been lucky not to have been pinched. Dragging the creature out from it's cover he lifted his head up quickly, the crab still danging in his jaws as he whipped his head around to find out just who was calling to him, hoping it wasn't someone who would find more suitable training and chores for one his size.

His tag gave a happy and delighted wag when he realized that the newcomer was Max. He had spent a time or two in the male's company when Zana had been away on one of her secret missions. Timori was glad to see another male and even more excited to see one that was someone he knew better than just knowing their scent belonged to the clan. He tried to call out to the misty hued male, forgetting for the moment he had a rather dangerous creature danging from his jaws. "Mwaaaffftt" Remembering suddenly he spat the creature out, moving back quickly to avoid it's claws as he barked. "Hey, Max!" His eyes shimmering happily at just being out in the world.

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