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Aylu could hear in her tone that she didn't want to leave. He put his head back down cross her fore paws, deflated. He wouldn't make her do something she didn't want to do. "It was just a suggestion really. You don't have to leave if you don't want to. Why don't you call for someone in your pack to help you. I mean I am just a stranger you met today after all," he said softly. He pulled away from her and stood, stretching and yawning. His teal eyes looked down at Terra softly and wondered what she was thinking.

He nudged her softly before whimpering. He wanted her to go with him. But she had people to take care of her. It had been obvious by her old wrappings. "Call someone to come get you. I'll stay till they get here and can help you back home,' he said looking away.

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